IpeUndoStack Class Reference
[Ipe Management]

An undo stack for Ipe. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Detailed Description

An undo stack for Ipe.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IpeUndoStack::IpeUndoStack (  ) 

Create empty undo stack.

IpeUndoStack::~IpeUndoStack (  ) 

Destructor destroys all items on stack.

Member Function Documentation

void IpeUndoStack::Clear (  ) 

Clears the complete undo stack.

void IpeUndoStack::Add ( IpeUndoItem item  ) 

Add an undo item to the stack.

If the stack is not at the end, discard remaining items. Takes ownership of item.

int IpeUndoStack::Undo ( IpeDocument doc  ) 

Perform an undo operation.

int IpeUndoStack::Redo ( IpeDocument doc  ) 

Perform a redo operation.

IpeString IpeUndoStack::UndoText (  )  const

Return text for possible undo operation.

IpeString IpeUndoStack::RedoText (  )  const

Return text for possible redo operation.

bool IpeUndoStack::CanUndo (  )  const [inline]

Is an Undo action available?

bool IpeUndoStack::CanRedo (  )  const [inline]

Is a Redo action available?

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