IpeFillable Class Reference
[Ipe Objects]

Base class for IpeFillable's with fill color and line style. More...

Inherits IpeObject.

Inherited by IpeGroup, IpeMark, and IpePath.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Protected Member Functions

Detailed Description

Base class for IpeFillable's with fill color and line style.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IpeFillable::IpeFillable (  )  [explicit, protected]

Create object with all null attributes.

IpeFillable::IpeFillable ( const IpeAllAttributes attr  )  [explicit, protected]

Create object by taking attributes from attr and setting identity matrix.

IpeFillable::IpeFillable ( IpeRepository rep,
const IpeXmlAttributes attr 
) [explicit, protected]

Construct from XML stream.

IpeFillable::IpeFillable ( const IpeFillable rhs  )  [protected]

Copy constructor.

Member Function Documentation

IpeFillable * IpeFillable::AsFillable (  )  [virtual]

Return pointer to this object.

Reimplemented from IpeObject.

void IpeFillable::CheckStyle ( const IpeStyleSheet sheet,
IpeAttributeSeq seq 
) const [virtual]

Check all symbolic attributes.

Reimplemented from IpeObject.

Reimplemented in IpeGroup, IpeMark, and IpePath.

void IpeFillable::SetFill ( IpeAttribute  fill  ) 

Set fill color.

void IpeFillable::SetLineWidth ( IpeAttribute  lw  ) 

Set line width.

void IpeFillable::SetDashStyle ( IpeAttribute  dash  ) 

Set dash style.

void IpeFillable::SetStrokeStyle ( IpeStrokeStyle  attr  ) 

Set line cap and join.

IpeAttribute IpeFillable::Fill (  )  const [inline]

Return object fill color.

IpeAttribute IpeFillable::LineWidth (  )  const [inline]

Return object line width.

IpeAttribute IpeFillable::DashStyle (  )  const [inline]

Return object line style.

IpeStrokeStyle IpeFillable::StrokeStyle (  )  const [inline]

Return line cap, join.

void IpeFillable::SaveFillAttributesAsXml ( IpePainter painter,
IpeStream stream 
) const [protected]

Write common attributes to XML stream.

void IpeFillable::ApplyAttributes ( IpePainter painter  )  const [protected]

Save graphics state, and set new attributes.

Color, line width, and dash style are only set if the current value in the graphics state is null.

Line cap, line join, and miter limit are only set if the value to be set is not the default. (I.e. a default value means to inherit the parent value.)

Don't forget to pop the graphics state after doing your drawing!

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