IpeLayer Class Reference
[Ipe Document]

A layer of an IpePage. More...

List of all members.

Public Types

Public Member Functions

Public Attributes

Detailed Description

A layer of an IpePage.

Each object on an IpePage belongs to one of the layers of the page. Layers are orthogonal to the back-to-front ordering of objects, so a "layer" is just another attribute of the object.

Layers have several attributes:

The PDF output generated for an IpePage depends on its views. Each view may list a number of layers to be displayed at that stage. Multiple views may show different subsets of layers.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IpeLayer::IpeLayer ( IpeString  name  )  [explicit]

Construct with name. Default attributes.

IpeLayer::IpeLayer ( const IpeXmlAttributes attr  )  [explicit]

Construct from a single XML tag.

Member Function Documentation

void IpeLayer::SaveAsXml ( IpeStream stream  )  const

Write a single XML tag describing this layer.

IpeString IpeLayer::Name (  )  const [inline]

Return name.

void IpeLayer::SetName ( const IpeString name  )  [inline]

Set name.

bool IpeLayer::IsDimmed (  )  const [inline]

Is dimmed?

bool IpeLayer::IsLocked (  )  const [inline]

Is locked?

bool IpeLayer::IsSnapping (  )  const [inline]

Is snapping enabled?

void IpeLayer::SetDimmed ( bool  flag  ) 

Set dimming.

void IpeLayer::SetLocked ( bool  flag  ) 

Set locking.

void IpeLayer::SetSnapping ( bool  flag  ) 

Set snapping.

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