AbstractInputMethodService |
AbstractInputMethodService provides a abstract base class for input methods.
AccessibilityService |
Accessibility services are intended to assist users with disabilities in using
Android devices and apps.
AccountAuthenticatorActivity |
Base class for implementing an Activity that is used to help implement an
ActionBarActivity |
This class is deprecated.
Use AppCompatActivity instead.
Activity |
An activity is a single, focused thing that the user can do.
ActivityGroup |
This class was deprecated
in API level 13.
Use the new Fragment and FragmentManager APIs
instead; these are also
available on older platforms through the Android compatibility package.
AliasActivity |
Stub activity that launches another activity (and then finishes itself)
based on information in its component's manifest meta-data.
AppCompatActivity |
Base class for activities that use the
support library action bar features.
AppCompatDialogFragment |
A special version of DialogFragment which uses an AppCompatDialog in place of a
platform-styled dialog.
Application |
Base class for maintaining global application state.
BaseLeanbackPreferenceFragment |
This fragment provides a preference fragment with leanback-style behavior, suitable for
embedding into broader UI elements.
BottomSheetDialogFragment |
Modal bottom sheet.
BrandedFragment |
Fragment class for managing search and branding using a view that implements
TitleViewAdapter.Provider .
BrandedSupportFragment |
Fragment class for managing search and branding using a view that implements
TitleViewAdapter.Provider .
BrowseFragment |
A fragment for creating Leanback browse screens.
BrowseSupportFragment |
A fragment for creating Leanback browse screens.
CallScreeningService |
This service can be implemented by the default dialer (see
getDefaultDialerPackage() ) to allow or disallow incoming calls before
they are shown to a user.
CameraPrewarmService |
Extend this class to implement a camera prewarm service.
CarrierMessagingService |
A service that receives calls from the system when new SMS and MMS are
sent or received.
CarrierService |
A service that exposes carrier-specific functionality to the system.
ChooserTargetService |
A service that receives calls from the system when the user is asked to choose
a target for an intent explicitly by another app.
ComponentCallbacks2 |
Extended ComponentCallbacks interface with a new callback for
finer-grained memory management.
ConditionProviderService |
A service that provides conditions about boolean state.
ConnectionService |
An abstract service that should be implemented by any apps which can make phone calls (VoIP or
otherwise) and want those calls to be integrated into the built-in phone app.
ContentProvider |
Content providers are one of the primary building blocks of Android applications, providing
content to applications.
CustomTabsService |
Abstract service class for implementing Custom Tabs related functionality.
DetailsFragment |
A fragment for creating Leanback details screens.
DetailsSupportFragment |
A fragment for creating Leanback details screens.
DialogFragment |
A fragment that displays a dialog window, floating on top of its
activity's window.
DocumentsProvider |
Base class for a document provider.
DreamService |
Extend this class to implement a custom dream (available to the user as a "Daydream").
EditTextPreferenceDialogFragment |
EditTextPreferenceDialogFragmentCompat |
ErrorFragment |
A fragment for displaying an error indication.
ErrorSupportFragment |
A fragment for displaying an error indication.
ExpandableListActivity |
An activity that displays an expandable list of items by binding to a data
source implementing the ExpandableListAdapter, and exposes event handlers
when the user selects an item.
FileProvider |
FileProvider is a special subclass of ContentProvider that facilitates secure sharing
of files associated with an app by creating a content:// Uri for a file
instead of a file:/// Uri .
Fragment |
A Fragment is a piece of an application's user interface or behavior
that can be placed in an Activity .
FragmentActivity |
Base class for activities that want to use the support-based
Fragment and
Loader APIs.
GuidedStepFragment |
A GuidedStepFragment is used to guide the user through a decision or series of decisions.
GuidedStepSupportFragment |
A GuidedStepSupportFragment is used to guide the user through a decision or series of decisions.
HeadersFragment |
An internal fragment containing a list of row headers.
HeadersSupportFragment |
An internal fragment containing a list of row headers.
HostApduService |
HostApduService is a convenience Service class that can be
extended to emulate an NFC card inside an Android
service component.
HostNfcFService |
HostNfcFService is a convenience Service class that can be
extended to emulate an NFC-F card inside an Android service component.
InCallService |
This service is implemented by any app that wishes to provide the user-interface for managing
phone calls.
InputMethodService |
InputMethodService provides a standard implementation of an InputMethod,
which final implementations can derive from and customize.
IntentService |
IntentService is a base class for Service s that handle asynchronous
requests (expressed as Intent s) on demand.
JobService |
Entry point for the callback from the JobScheduler .
LauncherActivity |
Displays a list of all activities which can be performed
for a given intent.
LeanbackListPreferenceDialogFragment |
LeanbackPreferenceDialogFragment |
LeanbackPreferenceFragment |
This fragment provides a fully decorated leanback-style preference fragment, including a
list background and header.
LeanbackSettingsFragment |
ListActivity |
An activity that displays a list of items by binding to a data source such as
an array or Cursor, and exposes event handlers when the user selects an item.
ListFragment |
A fragment that displays a list of items by binding to a data source such as
an array or Cursor, and exposes event handlers when the user selects an item.
ListPreferenceDialogFragment |
ListPreferenceDialogFragmentCompat |
MediaBrowserService |
Base class for media browse services.
MediaBrowserServiceCompat |
Base class for media browse services.
MediaRouteChooserDialogFragment |
Media route chooser dialog fragment.
MediaRouteControllerDialogFragment |
Media route controller dialog fragment.
MediaRouteDiscoveryFragment |
Media route discovery fragment.
MediaRouteProviderService |
Base class for media route provider services.
MidiDeviceService |
A service that implements a virtual MIDI device.
MockApplication |
This class was deprecated
in API level 24.
Use a mocking framework like Mockito.
New tests should be written using the
Android Testing Support Library.
MockContentProvider |
Mock implementation of ContentProvider.
MultiDexApplication |
Minimal MultiDex capable application.
MultiSelectListPreferenceDialogFragment |
NativeActivity |
Convenience for implementing an activity that will be implemented
purely in native code.
NotificationCompatSideChannelService |
Abstract service to receive side channel notifications sent from
NotificationManagerCompat .
NotificationListenerService |
A service that receives calls from the system when new notifications are
posted or removed, or their ranking changed.
OffHostApduService |
OffHostApduService is a convenience Service class that can be
extended to describe one or more NFC applications that are residing
off-host, for example on an embedded secure element or a UICC.
OnboardingFragment |
An OnboardingFragment provides a common and simple way to build onboarding screen for
OnboardingSupportFragment |
An OnboardingSupportFragment provides a common and simple way to build onboarding screen for
PlaybackOverlayFragment |
A fragment for displaying playback controls and related content.
PlaybackOverlaySupportFragment |
A fragment for displaying playback controls and related content.
PreferenceActivity |
This is the base class for an activity to show a hierarchy of preferences
to the user.
PreferenceDialogFragment |
Abstract base class which presents a dialog associated with a
DialogPreference .
PreferenceDialogFragmentCompat |
Abstract base class which presents a dialog associated with a
DialogPreference .
PreferenceFragment |
Shows a hierarchy of Preference objects as
PreferenceFragmentCompat |
Shows a hierarchy of Preference objects as
PrintService |
This is the base class for implementing print services.
RecognitionService |
This class provides a base class for recognition service implementations.
RemoteViewsService |
The service to be connected to for a remote adapter to request RemoteViews.
RowsFragment |
An ordered set of rows of leanback widgets.
RowsSupportFragment |
An ordered set of rows of leanback widgets.
SearchFragment |
A fragment to handle searches.
SearchRecentSuggestionsProvider |
This superclass can be used to create a simple search suggestions provider for your application.
SearchSupportFragment |
A fragment to handle searches.
Service |
A Service is an application component representing either an application's desire
to perform a longer-running operation while not interacting with the user
or to supply functionality for other applications to use.
SettingInjectorService |
Dynamically specifies the enabled status of a preference injected into
the list of app settings displayed by the system settings app
For use only by apps that are included in the system image, for preferences that affect multiple
SpellCheckerService |
SpellCheckerService provides an abstract base class for a spell checker.
TabActivity |
This class was deprecated
in API level 13.
New applications should use Fragments instead of this class;
to continue to run on older devices, you can use the v4 support library
which provides a version of the Fragment API that is compatible down to
TextToSpeechService |
Abstract base class for TTS engine implementations.
TileService |
A TileService provides the user a tile that can be added to Quick Settings.
TvInputService |
The TvInputService class represents a TV input or source such as HDMI or built-in tuner which
provides pass-through video or broadcast TV programs.
VerticalGridFragment |
A fragment for creating leanback vertical grids.
VerticalGridSupportFragment |
A fragment for creating leanback vertical grids.
VoiceInteractionService |
Top-level service of the current global voice interactor, which is providing
support for hotwording, the back-end of a VoiceInteractor , etc.
VoiceInteractionSession |
An active voice interaction session, providing a facility for the implementation
to interact with the user in the voice interaction layer.
VoiceInteractionSessionService |
An active voice interaction session, initiated by a VoiceInteractionService .
VpnService |
VpnService is a base class for applications to extend and build their
own VPN solutions.
VrListenerService |
A service that is bound from the system while running in virtual reality (VR) mode.
WallpaperService |
A wallpaper service is responsible for showing a live wallpaper behind
applications that would like to sit on top of it.
WebViewFragment |
A fragment that displays a WebView.