Contains the collections framework, legacy collection classes, event model,
date and time facilities, internationalization, and miscellaneous utility
classes (a string tokenizer, a random-number generator, and a bit array).
For overviews, tutorials, examples, guides, and tool documentation, please see:
Collection<E> |
The root interface in the collection hierarchy.
Comparator<T> |
A comparison function, which imposes a total ordering on some
collection of objects.
Deque<E> |
A linear collection that supports element insertion and removal at
both ends.
Enumeration<E> |
An object that implements the Enumeration interface generates a
series of elements, one at a time.
EventListener |
A tagging interface that all event listener interfaces must extend.
Formattable |
The Formattable interface must be implemented by any class that
needs to perform custom formatting using the 's' conversion
specifier of Formatter .
Iterator<E> |
An iterator over a collection.
List<E> |
An ordered collection (also known as a sequence).
ListIterator<E> |
An iterator for lists that allows the programmer
to traverse the list in either direction, modify
the list during iteration, and obtain the iterator's
current position in the list.
Map<K, V> |
An object that maps keys to values.
Map.Entry<K, V> |
A map entry (key-value pair).
NavigableMap<K, V> |
A SortedMap extended with navigation methods returning the
closest matches for given search targets.
NavigableSet<E> |
A SortedSet extended with navigation methods reporting
closest matches for given search targets.
Observer |
A class can implement the Observer interface when it
wants to be informed of changes in observable objects.
PrimitiveIterator<T, T_CONS> |
A base type for primitive specializations of Iterator .
PrimitiveIterator.OfDouble |
An Iterator specialized for double values.
PrimitiveIterator.OfInt |
An Iterator specialized for int values.
PrimitiveIterator.OfLong |
An Iterator specialized for long values.
Queue<E> |
A collection designed for holding elements prior to processing.
RandomAccess |
Marker interface used by List implementations to indicate that
they support fast (generally constant time) random access.
Set<E> |
A collection that contains no duplicate elements.
SortedMap<K, V> |
A Map that further provides a total ordering on its keys.
SortedSet<E> |
A Set that further provides a total ordering on its elements.
Spliterator<T> |
An object for traversing and partitioning elements of a source.
Spliterator.OfDouble |
A Spliterator specialized for double values.
Spliterator.OfInt |
A Spliterator specialized for int values.
Spliterator.OfLong |
A Spliterator specialized for long values.
Spliterator.OfPrimitive<T, T_CONS, T_SPLITR extends OfPrimitive<T, T_CONS, T_SPLITR>> |
A Spliterator specialized for primitive values.
AbstractCollection<E> |
This class provides a skeletal implementation of the Collection
interface, to minimize the effort required to implement this interface.
AbstractList<E> |
This class provides a skeletal implementation of the List
interface to minimize the effort required to implement this interface
backed by a "random access" data store (such as an array).
AbstractMap<K, V> |
This class provides a skeletal implementation of the Map
interface, to minimize the effort required to implement this interface.
AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<K, V> |
An Entry maintaining a key and a value.
AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<K, V> |
An Entry maintaining an immutable key and value.
AbstractQueue<E> |
This class provides skeletal implementations of some Queue
AbstractSequentialList<E> |
This class provides a skeletal implementation of the List
interface to minimize the effort required to implement this interface
backed by a "sequential access" data store (such as a linked list).
AbstractSet<E> |
This class provides a skeletal implementation of the Set
interface to minimize the effort required to implement this
ArrayDeque<E> |
Resizable-array implementation of the Deque interface.
ArrayList<E> |
Resizable-array implementation of the List interface.
Arrays |
This class contains various methods for manipulating arrays (such as
sorting and searching).
BitSet |
This class implements a vector of bits that grows as needed.
Calendar |
The Calendar class is an abstract class that provides methods
for converting between a specific instant in time and a set of calendar fields such as YEAR , MONTH ,
DAY_OF_MONTH , HOUR , and so on, and for
manipulating the calendar fields, such as getting the date of the next
Collections |
This class consists exclusively of static methods that operate on or return
Currency |
Represents a currency.
Date |
The class Date represents a specific instant
in time, with millisecond precision.
Dictionary<K, V> |
The Dictionary class is the abstract parent of any
class, such as Hashtable , which maps keys to values.
DoubleSummaryStatistics |
A state object for collecting statistics such as count, min, max, sum, and
EnumMap<K extends Enum<K>, V> |
A specialized Map implementation for use with enum type keys.
EnumSet<E extends Enum<E>> |
A specialized Set implementation for use with enum types.
EventListenerProxy<T extends EventListener> |
An abstract wrapper class for an EventListener class
which associates a set of additional parameters with the listener.
EventObject |
The root class from which all event state objects shall be derived.
FormattableFlags |
FomattableFlags are passed to the Formattable.formatTo() method and modify the output format for Formattables.
Formatter |
An interpreter for printf-style format strings.
GregorianCalendar |
GregorianCalendar is a concrete subclass of
Calendar and provides the standard calendar system
used by most of the world.
HashMap<K, V> |
Hash table based implementation of the Map interface.
HashSet<E> |
This class implements the Set interface, backed by a hash table
(actually a HashMap instance).
Hashtable<K, V> |
This class implements a hash table, which maps keys to values.
IdentityHashMap<K, V> |
This class implements the Map interface with a hash table, using
reference-equality in place of object-equality when comparing keys (and
IntSummaryStatistics |
A state object for collecting statistics such as count, min, max, sum, and
LinkedHashMap<K, V> |
Hash table and linked list implementation of the Map interface,
with predictable iteration order.
LinkedHashSet<E> |
Hash table and linked list implementation of the Set interface,
with predictable iteration order.
LinkedList<E> |
Doubly-linked list implementation of the List and Deque
ListResourceBundle |
ListResourceBundle is an abstract subclass of
ResourceBundle that manages resources for a locale
in a convenient and easy to use list.
Locale |
A Locale object represents a specific geographical, political,
or cultural region.
Locale.Builder |
Builder is used to build instances of Locale
from values configured by the setters.
LongSummaryStatistics |
A state object for collecting statistics such as count, min, max, sum, and
Objects |
This class consists of static utility methods for operating
on objects.
Observable |
This class represents an observable object, or "data"
in the model-view paradigm.
Optional<T> |
A container object which may or may not contain a non-null value.
OptionalDouble |
A container object which may or may not contain a double value.
OptionalInt |
A container object which may or may not contain a int value.
OptionalLong |
A container object which may or may not contain a long value.
PriorityQueue<E> |
An unbounded priority queue based on a priority heap.
Properties |
The Properties class represents a persistent set of
PropertyPermission |
Legacy security code; do not use.
PropertyResourceBundle |
PropertyResourceBundle is a concrete subclass of
ResourceBundle that manages resources for a locale
using a set of static strings from a property file.
Random |
An instance of this class is used to generate a stream of
pseudorandom numbers.
ResourceBundle |
Resource bundles contain locale-specific objects.
ResourceBundle.Control |
ResourceBundle.Control defines a set of callback methods
that are invoked by the ResourceBundle.getBundle factory
methods during the bundle loading process.
Scanner |
A simple text scanner which can parse primitive types and strings using
regular expressions.
ServiceLoader<S> |
A simple service-provider loading facility.
SimpleTimeZone |
SimpleTimeZone is a concrete subclass of TimeZone
that represents a time zone for use with a Gregorian calendar.
Spliterators |
Static classes and methods for operating on or creating instances of
Spliterator and its primitive specializations
Spliterator.OfInt , Spliterator.OfLong , and
Spliterator.OfDouble .
Spliterators.AbstractDoubleSpliterator |
An abstract Spliterator.OfDouble that implements
trySplit to permit limited parallelism.
Spliterators.AbstractIntSpliterator |
An abstract Spliterator.OfInt that implements trySplit to
permit limited parallelism.
Spliterators.AbstractLongSpliterator |
An abstract Spliterator.OfLong that implements trySplit
to permit limited parallelism.
Spliterators.AbstractSpliterator<T> |
An abstract Spliterator that implements trySplit to
permit limited parallelism.
SplittableRandom |
A generator of uniform pseudorandom values applicable for use in
(among other contexts) isolated parallel computations that may
generate subtasks.
Stack<E> |
The Stack class represents a last-in-first-out
(LIFO) stack of objects.
StringJoiner |
StringJoiner is used to construct a sequence of characters separated
by a delimiter and optionally starting with a supplied prefix
and ending with a supplied suffix.
StringTokenizer |
The string tokenizer class allows an application to break a
string into tokens.
Timer |
A facility for threads to schedule tasks for future execution in a
background thread.
TimerTask |
A task that can be scheduled for one-time or repeated execution by a Timer.
TimeZone |
TimeZone represents a time zone offset, and also figures out daylight
TreeMap<K, V> |
A Red-Black tree based NavigableMap implementation.
TreeSet<E> |
A NavigableSet implementation based on a TreeMap .
A class that represents an immutable universally unique identifier (UUID).
Vector<E> |
The Vector class implements a growable array of
WeakHashMap<K, V> |
Hash table based implementation of the Map interface, with
weak keys.