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Added in API level 7


public class WallpaperService.Engine
extends Object

   ↳ android.service.wallpaper.WallpaperService.Engine

The actual implementation of a wallpaper. A wallpaper service may have multiple instances running (for example as a real wallpaper and as a preview), each of which is represented by its own Engine instance. You must implement onCreateEngine() to return your concrete Engine implementation.


Public constructors


Public methods

int getDesiredMinimumHeight()

Convenience for WallpaperManager.getDesiredMinimumHeight(), returning the height that the system would like this wallpaper to run in.

int getDesiredMinimumWidth()

Convenience for WallpaperManager.getDesiredMinimumWidth(), returning the width that the system would like this wallpaper to run in.

SurfaceHolder getSurfaceHolder()

Provides access to the surface in which this wallpaper is drawn.

boolean isPreview()

Returns true if this engine is running in preview mode -- that is, it is being shown to the user before they select it as the actual wallpaper.

boolean isVisible()

Return whether the wallpaper is currently visible to the user, this is the last value supplied to onVisibilityChanged(boolean).

void onApplyWindowInsets(WindowInsets insets)

Called with the current insets that are in effect for the wallpaper.

Bundle onCommand(String action, int x, int y, int z, Bundle extras, boolean resultRequested)

Process a command that was sent to the wallpaper with sendWallpaperCommand(IBinder, String, int, int, int, Bundle).

void onCreate(SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder)

Called once to initialize the engine.

void onDesiredSizeChanged(int desiredWidth, int desiredHeight)

Called when an application has changed the desired virtual size of the wallpaper.

void onDestroy()

Called right before the engine is going away.

void onOffsetsChanged(float xOffset, float yOffset, float xOffsetStep, float yOffsetStep, int xPixelOffset, int yPixelOffset)

Called to inform you of the wallpaper's offsets changing within its contain, corresponding to the container's call to WallpaperManager.setWallpaperOffsets().

void onSurfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int width, int height)

Convenience for SurfaceHolder.Callback.surfaceChanged().

void onSurfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder)

Convenience for SurfaceHolder.Callback.surfaceCreated().

void onSurfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder)

Convenience for SurfaceHolder.Callback.surfaceDestroyed().

void onSurfaceRedrawNeeded(SurfaceHolder holder)

Convenience for SurfaceHolder.Callback.surfaceRedrawNeeded().

void onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event)

Called as the user performs touch-screen interaction with the window that is currently showing this wallpaper.

void onVisibilityChanged(boolean visible)

Called to inform you of the wallpaper becoming visible or hidden.

void setOffsetNotificationsEnabled(boolean enabled)

Control whether this wallpaper will receive notifications when the wallpaper has been scrolled.

void setTouchEventsEnabled(boolean enabled)

Control whether this wallpaper will receive raw touch events from the window manager as the user interacts with the window that is currently displaying the wallpaper.

Protected methods

void dump(String prefix, FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter out, String[] args)

Inherited methods

From class java.lang.Object

Public constructors


Added in API level 7
WallpaperService.Engine ()

Public methods


Added in API level 7
int getDesiredMinimumHeight ()

Convenience for WallpaperManager.getDesiredMinimumHeight(), returning the height that the system would like this wallpaper to run in.



Added in API level 7
int getDesiredMinimumWidth ()

Convenience for WallpaperManager.getDesiredMinimumWidth(), returning the width that the system would like this wallpaper to run in.



Added in API level 7
SurfaceHolder getSurfaceHolder ()

Provides access to the surface in which this wallpaper is drawn.



Added in API level 7
boolean isPreview ()

Returns true if this engine is running in preview mode -- that is, it is being shown to the user before they select it as the actual wallpaper.



Added in API level 7
boolean isVisible ()

Return whether the wallpaper is currently visible to the user, this is the last value supplied to onVisibilityChanged(boolean).



Added in API level 21
void onApplyWindowInsets (WindowInsets insets)

Called with the current insets that are in effect for the wallpaper. This gives you the part of the overall wallpaper surface that will generally be visible to the user (ignoring position offsets applied to it).

insets WindowInsets: Insets to apply.


Added in API level 7
Bundle onCommand (String action, 
                int x, 
                int y, 
                int z, 
                Bundle extras, 
                boolean resultRequested)

Process a command that was sent to the wallpaper with sendWallpaperCommand(IBinder, String, int, int, int, Bundle). The default implementation does nothing, and always returns null as the result.

action String: The name of the command to perform. This tells you what to do and how to interpret the rest of the arguments.
x int: Generic integer parameter.
y int: Generic integer parameter.
z int: Generic integer parameter.
extras Bundle: Any additional parameters.
resultRequested boolean: If true, the caller is requesting that a result, appropriate for the command, be returned back.
Bundle If returning a result, create a Bundle and place the result data in to it. Otherwise return null.


Added in API level 7
void onCreate (SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder)

Called once to initialize the engine. After returning, the engine's surface will be created by the framework.

surfaceHolder SurfaceHolder


Added in API level 7
void onDesiredSizeChanged (int desiredWidth, 
                int desiredHeight)

Called when an application has changed the desired virtual size of the wallpaper.

desiredWidth int
desiredHeight int


Added in API level 7
void onDestroy ()

Called right before the engine is going away. After this the surface will be destroyed and this Engine object is no longer valid.


Added in API level 7
void onOffsetsChanged (float xOffset, 
                float yOffset, 
                float xOffsetStep, 
                float yOffsetStep, 
                int xPixelOffset, 
                int yPixelOffset)

Called to inform you of the wallpaper's offsets changing within its contain, corresponding to the container's call to WallpaperManager.setWallpaperOffsets().

xOffset float
yOffset float
xOffsetStep float
yOffsetStep float
xPixelOffset int
yPixelOffset int


Added in API level 7
void onSurfaceChanged (SurfaceHolder holder, 
                int format, 
                int width, 
                int height)

Convenience for SurfaceHolder.Callback.surfaceChanged().

holder SurfaceHolder
format int
width int
height int


Added in API level 7
void onSurfaceCreated (SurfaceHolder holder)

Convenience for SurfaceHolder.Callback.surfaceCreated().

holder SurfaceHolder


Added in API level 7
void onSurfaceDestroyed (SurfaceHolder holder)

Convenience for SurfaceHolder.Callback.surfaceDestroyed().

holder SurfaceHolder


Added in API level 9
void onSurfaceRedrawNeeded (SurfaceHolder holder)

Convenience for SurfaceHolder.Callback.surfaceRedrawNeeded().

holder SurfaceHolder


Added in API level 7
void onTouchEvent (MotionEvent event)

Called as the user performs touch-screen interaction with the window that is currently showing this wallpaper. Note that the events you receive here are driven by the actual application the user is interacting with, so if it is slow you will get fewer move events.

event MotionEvent


Added in API level 7
void onVisibilityChanged (boolean visible)

Called to inform you of the wallpaper becoming visible or hidden. It is very important that a wallpaper only use CPU while it is visible..

visible boolean


Added in API level 15
void setOffsetNotificationsEnabled (boolean enabled)

Control whether this wallpaper will receive notifications when the wallpaper has been scrolled. By default, wallpapers will receive notifications, although the default static image wallpapers do not. It is a performance optimization to set this to false.

enabled boolean: whether the wallpaper wants to receive offset notifications


Added in API level 7
void setTouchEventsEnabled (boolean enabled)

Control whether this wallpaper will receive raw touch events from the window manager as the user interacts with the window that is currently displaying the wallpaper. By default they are turned off. If enabled, the events will be received in onTouchEvent(MotionEvent).

enabled boolean

Protected methods


Added in API level 14
void dump (String prefix, 
                FileDescriptor fd, 
                PrintWriter out, 
                String[] args)

prefix String
fd FileDescriptor
out PrintWriter
args String
