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public abstract class AbstractMediaItemPresenter
extends RowPresenter


Abstract Presenter class for rendering media items in a playlist format. Media item data provided for this presenter can implement the interface MultiActionsProvider, if the media rows wish to contain custom actions. Media items in the playlist are arranged as a vertical list with each row holding each media item's details provided by the user of this class and a set of optional custom actions. Each media item's details and actions are separately focusable. The appearance of each one of the media row components can be controlled through setting theme's attributes. The presenter can optionally provide line separators between media rows by setting setHasMediaRowSeparator(boolean) to true.

Subclasses must override onBindMediaDetails(AbstractMediaItemPresenter.ViewHolder, Object) to implement their media item model data binding to each row view.

The OnItemViewClickedListener and OnItemViewSelectedListener can be used in the same fashion to handle selection or click events on either of media details or each individual action views.

AbstractMediaListHeaderPresenter can be used in conjunction with this presenter in order to display a playlist with a header view.


Nested classes

class AbstractMediaItemPresenter.ViewHolder

The ViewHolder for the AbstractMediaItemPresenter

Inherited constants

From class

Public constructors


Constructor used for creating an abstract media item presenter.

AbstractMediaItemPresenter(int themeId)

Constructor used for creating an abstract media item presenter.

Public methods

Presenter getActionPresenter()

Return the presenter used to render a media item row actions.

int getThemeId()

Return The resource id of the theme that defines attributes controlling the appearance of different widgets in a media item row.

boolean hasMediaRowSeparator()
boolean isUsingDefaultSelectEffect()

Returns true if this RowPresenter is using the default dimming effect.

void setActionPresenter(Presenter actionPresenter)

Sets the action presenter rendering each optional custom action within each media item row.

void setBackgroundColor(int color)

Sets the background color for the row views within the playlist.

void setHasMediaRowSeparator(boolean hasSeparator)

Specifies whether a line separator should be used between media item rows.

void setThemeId(int themeId)

Sets the theme used to style a media item row components.

Protected methods

RowPresenter.ViewHolder createRowViewHolder(ViewGroup parent)

Called to create a ViewHolder object for a Row.

boolean isClippingChildren()

Returns true if the Row view should clip it's children.

abstract void onBindMediaDetails(AbstractMediaItemPresenter.ViewHolder vh, Object item)

Binds the media item details to their views provided by the AbstractMediaItemPresenter.

void onBindRowActions(AbstractMediaItemPresenter.ViewHolder vh)

Binds the given media item object action to the given ViewHolder's action views.

void onBindRowViewHolder(RowPresenter.ViewHolder vh, Object item)

Binds the given row object to the given ViewHolder.

void onUnbindMediaDetails(AbstractMediaItemPresenter.ViewHolder vh)

Unbinds the media item details from their views provided by the AbstractMediaItemPresenter.

Inherited methods

From class
From class
From class java.lang.Object
From interface

Public constructors


AbstractMediaItemPresenter ()

Constructor used for creating an abstract media item presenter.


AbstractMediaItemPresenter (int themeId)

Constructor used for creating an abstract media item presenter.

themeId int: The resource id of the theme that defines attributes controlling the appearance of different widgets in a media item row.

Public methods


Presenter getActionPresenter ()

Return the presenter used to render a media item row actions.

Presenter the presenter used to render a media item row actions.


int getThemeId ()

Return The resource id of the theme that defines attributes controlling the appearance of different widgets in a media item row.

int The resource id of the theme that defines attributes controlling the appearance of different widgets in a media item row.


boolean hasMediaRowSeparator ()



boolean isUsingDefaultSelectEffect ()

Returns true if this RowPresenter is using the default dimming effect. A subclass may (most likely) return false and override onSelectLevelChanged(ViewHolder).



void setActionPresenter (Presenter actionPresenter)

Sets the action presenter rendering each optional custom action within each media item row.

actionPresenter Presenter: the presenter to be used for rendering a media item row actions.


void setBackgroundColor (int color)

Sets the background color for the row views within the playlist. If this is not set, a default color, defaultBrandColor, from theme is used. This defaultBrandColor defaults to android:attr/colorPrimary on v21, if it's specified.

color int: The ARGB color used to set as the media list background color.


void setHasMediaRowSeparator (boolean hasSeparator)

Specifies whether a line separator should be used between media item rows.

hasSeparator boolean: true if a separator should be displayed, false otherwise.


void setThemeId (int themeId)

Sets the theme used to style a media item row components.

themeId int: The resource id of the theme that defines attributes controlling the appearance of different widgets in a media item row.

Protected methods


RowPresenter.ViewHolder createRowViewHolder (ViewGroup parent)

Called to create a ViewHolder object for a Row. Subclasses will override this method to return a different concrete ViewHolder object.

parent ViewGroup: The parent View for the Row's view holder.
RowPresenter.ViewHolder A ViewHolder for the Row's View.


boolean isClippingChildren ()

Returns true if the Row view should clip it's children. The clipChildren flag is set on view in initializeRowViewHolder(ViewHolder). Note that Slide transition or explode transition need turn off clipChildren. Default value is false.



void onBindMediaDetails (AbstractMediaItemPresenter.ViewHolder vh, 
                Object item)

Binds the media item details to their views provided by the AbstractMediaItemPresenter. This method is to be overridden by the users of this presenter. The subclasses of this presenter can access and bind individual views for either of the media item number, name, or duration (depending on whichever views are visible according to the providing theme attributes), by calling getMediaItemNumberView(), getMediaItemNameView(), and getMediaItemDurationView(), on the AbstractMediaItemPresenter.ViewHolder provided as the argument vh of this presenter.

vh AbstractMediaItemPresenter.ViewHolder: The ViewHolder for this AbstractMediaItemPresenter.
item Object: The media item row object being presented.


void onBindRowActions (AbstractMediaItemPresenter.ViewHolder vh)

Binds the given media item object action to the given ViewHolder's action views.

vh AbstractMediaItemPresenter.ViewHolder: ViewHolder for the media item.


void onBindRowViewHolder (RowPresenter.ViewHolder vh, 
                Object item)

Binds the given row object to the given ViewHolder. Derived classes of RowPresenter overriding onBindRowViewHolder(ViewHolder, Object) must call through the super class's implementation of this method.

vh RowPresenter.ViewHolder
item Object


void onUnbindMediaDetails (AbstractMediaItemPresenter.ViewHolder vh)

Unbinds the media item details from their views provided by the AbstractMediaItemPresenter. This method can be overridden by the subclasses of this presenter if required.

vh AbstractMediaItemPresenter.ViewHolder: ViewHolder to unbind from.
