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Added in API level 23


public static final class StaticLayout.Builder
extends Object

   ↳ android.text.StaticLayout.Builder

Builder for static layouts. The builder is a newer pattern for constructing StaticLayout objects and should be preferred over the constructors, particularly to access newer features. To build a static layout, first call obtain(CharSequence, int, int, TextPaint, int) with the required arguments (text, paint, and width), then call setters for optional parameters, and finally build() to build the StaticLayout object. Parameters not explicitly set will get default values.


Public methods

StaticLayout build()

Build the StaticLayout after options have been set.

static StaticLayout.Builder obtain(CharSequence source, int start, int end, TextPaint paint, int width)

Obtain a builder for constructing StaticLayout objects

StaticLayout.Builder setAlignment(Layout.Alignment alignment)

Set the alignment.

StaticLayout.Builder setBreakStrategy(int breakStrategy)

Set break strategy, useful for selecting high quality or balanced paragraph layout options.

StaticLayout.Builder setEllipsize(TextUtils.TruncateAt ellipsize)

Set ellipsizing on the layout.

StaticLayout.Builder setEllipsizedWidth(int ellipsizedWidth)

Set the width as used for ellipsizing purposes, if it differs from the normal layout width.

StaticLayout.Builder setHyphenationFrequency(int hyphenationFrequency)

Set hyphenation frequency, to control the amount of automatic hyphenation used.

StaticLayout.Builder setIncludePad(boolean includePad)

Set whether to include extra space beyond font ascent and descent (which is needed to avoid clipping in some languages, such as Arabic and Kannada).

StaticLayout.Builder setIndents(int[] leftIndents, int[] rightIndents)

Set indents.

StaticLayout.Builder setLineSpacing(float spacingAdd, float spacingMult)

Set line spacing parameters.

StaticLayout.Builder setMaxLines(int maxLines)

Set maximum number of lines.

StaticLayout.Builder setText(CharSequence source)
StaticLayout.Builder setTextDirection(TextDirectionHeuristic textDir)

Set the text direction heuristic.

Protected methods

void finalize()

Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.

Inherited methods

From class java.lang.Object

Public methods


Added in API level 23
StaticLayout build ()

Build the StaticLayout after options have been set.

Note: the builder object must not be reused in any way after calling this method. Setting parameters after calling this method, or calling it a second time on the same builder object, will likely lead to unexpected results.

StaticLayout the newly constructed StaticLayout object


Added in API level 23
StaticLayout.Builder obtain (CharSequence source, 
                int start, 
                int end, 
                TextPaint paint, 
                int width)

Obtain a builder for constructing StaticLayout objects

source CharSequence: The text to be laid out, optionally with spans
start int: The index of the start of the text
end int: The index + 1 of the end of the text
paint TextPaint: The base paint used for layout
width int: The width in pixels
StaticLayout.Builder a builder object used for constructing the StaticLayout


Added in API level 23
StaticLayout.Builder setAlignment (Layout.Alignment alignment)

Set the alignment. The default is ALIGN_NORMAL.

alignment Layout.Alignment: Alignment for the resulting StaticLayout
StaticLayout.Builder this builder, useful for chaining


Added in API level 23
StaticLayout.Builder setBreakStrategy (int breakStrategy)

Set break strategy, useful for selecting high quality or balanced paragraph layout options. The default is BREAK_STRATEGY_SIMPLE.

breakStrategy int: break strategy for paragraph layout
StaticLayout.Builder this builder, useful for chaining

See also:


Added in API level 23
StaticLayout.Builder setEllipsize (TextUtils.TruncateAt ellipsize)

Set ellipsizing on the layout. Causes words that are longer than the view is wide, or exceeding the number of lines (see #setMaxLines) in the case of END or MARQUEE, to be ellipsized instead of broken. The default is null, indicating no ellipsis is to be applied.

ellipsize TextUtils.TruncateAt: type of ellipsis behavior
StaticLayout.Builder this builder, useful for chaining

See also:


Added in API level 23
StaticLayout.Builder setEllipsizedWidth (int ellipsizedWidth)

Set the width as used for ellipsizing purposes, if it differs from the normal layout width. The default is the width passed to obtain(CharSequence, int, int, TextPaint, int).

ellipsizedWidth int: width used for ellipsizing, in pixels
StaticLayout.Builder this builder, useful for chaining

See also:


Added in API level 23
StaticLayout.Builder setHyphenationFrequency (int hyphenationFrequency)

Set hyphenation frequency, to control the amount of automatic hyphenation used. The default is HYPHENATION_FREQUENCY_NONE.

hyphenationFrequency int: hyphenation frequency for the paragraph
StaticLayout.Builder this builder, useful for chaining

See also:


Added in API level 23
StaticLayout.Builder setIncludePad (boolean includePad)

Set whether to include extra space beyond font ascent and descent (which is needed to avoid clipping in some languages, such as Arabic and Kannada). The default is true.

includePad boolean: whether to include padding
StaticLayout.Builder this builder, useful for chaining

See also:


Added in API level 23
StaticLayout.Builder setIndents (int[] leftIndents, 
                int[] rightIndents)

Set indents. Arguments are arrays holding an indent amount, one per line, measured in pixels. For lines past the last element in the array, the last element repeats.

leftIndents int: array of indent values for left margin, in pixels
rightIndents int: array of indent values for right margin, in pixels
StaticLayout.Builder this builder, useful for chaining


Added in API level 23
StaticLayout.Builder setLineSpacing (float spacingAdd, 
                float spacingMult)

Set line spacing parameters. The default is 0.0 for spacingAdd and 1.0 for spacingMult.

spacingAdd float: line spacing add
spacingMult float: line spacing multiplier
StaticLayout.Builder this builder, useful for chaining

See also:


Added in API level 23
StaticLayout.Builder setMaxLines (int maxLines)

Set maximum number of lines. This is particularly useful in the case of ellipsizing, where it changes the layout of the last line. The default is unlimited.

maxLines int: maximum number of lines in the layout
StaticLayout.Builder this builder, useful for chaining

See also:


Added in API level 23
StaticLayout.Builder setText (CharSequence source)

source CharSequence


Added in API level 23
StaticLayout.Builder setTextDirection (TextDirectionHeuristic textDir)

Set the text direction heuristic. The text direction heuristic is used to resolve text direction based per-paragraph based on the input text. The default is FIRSTSTRONG_LTR.

textDir TextDirectionHeuristic: text direction heuristic for resolving BiDi behavior.
StaticLayout.Builder this builder, useful for chaining

Protected methods


Added in API level 23
void finalize ()

Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object. A subclass overrides the finalize method to dispose of system resources or to perform other cleanup.

The general contract of finalize is that it is invoked if and when the JavaTM virtual machine has determined that there is no longer any means by which this object can be accessed by any thread that has not yet died, except as a result of an action taken by the finalization of some other object or class which is ready to be finalized. The finalize method may take any action, including making this object available again to other threads; the usual purpose of finalize, however, is to perform cleanup actions before the object is irrevocably discarded. For example, the finalize method for an object that represents an input/output connection might perform explicit I/O transactions to break the connection before the object is permanently discarded.

The finalize method of class Object performs no special action; it simply returns normally. Subclasses of Object may override this definition.

The Java programming language does not guarantee which thread will invoke the finalize method for any given object. It is guaranteed, however, that the thread that invokes finalize will not be holding any user-visible synchronization locks when finalize is invoked. If an uncaught exception is thrown by the finalize method, the exception is ignored and finalization of that object terminates.

After the finalize method has been invoked for an object, no further action is taken until the Java virtual machine has again determined that there is no longer any means by which this object can be accessed by any thread that has not yet died, including possible actions by other objects or classes which are ready to be finalized, at which point the object may be discarded.

The finalize method is never invoked more than once by a Java virtual machine for any given object.

Any exception thrown by the finalize method causes the finalization of this object to be halted, but is otherwise ignored.

