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Added in API level 21


public static final class CursorAnchorInfo.Builder
extends Object

   ↳ android.view.inputmethod.CursorAnchorInfo.Builder

Builder for CursorAnchorInfo. This class is not designed to be thread-safe.


Public constructors


Public methods

CursorAnchorInfo.Builder addCharacterBounds(int index, float left, float top, float right, float bottom, int flags)

Adds the bounding box of the character specified with the index.

CursorAnchorInfo build()
void reset()

Resets the internal state so that this instance can be reused to build another instance of CursorAnchorInfo.

CursorAnchorInfo.Builder setComposingText(int composingTextStart, CharSequence composingText)

Sets the text range of the composing text.

CursorAnchorInfo.Builder setInsertionMarkerLocation(float horizontalPosition, float lineTop, float lineBaseline, float lineBottom, int flags)

Sets the location of the text insertion point (zero width cursor) as a rectangle in local coordinates.

CursorAnchorInfo.Builder setMatrix(Matrix matrix)

Sets the matrix that transforms local coordinates into screen coordinates.

CursorAnchorInfo.Builder setSelectionRange(int newStart, int newEnd)

Sets the text range of the selection.

Inherited methods

From class java.lang.Object

Public constructors


Added in API level 21
CursorAnchorInfo.Builder ()

Public methods


Added in API level 21
CursorAnchorInfo.Builder addCharacterBounds (int index, 
                float left, 
                float top, 
                float right, 
                float bottom, 
                int flags)

Adds the bounding box of the character specified with the index.

index int: index of the character in Java chars units. Must be specified in ascending order across successive calls.
left float: x coordinate of the left edge of the character in local coordinates.
top float: y coordinate of the top edge of the character in local coordinates.
right float: x coordinate of the right edge of the character in local coordinates.
bottom float: y coordinate of the bottom edge of the character in local coordinates.
flags int: flags for this character bounds. See FLAG_HAS_VISIBLE_REGION, FLAG_HAS_INVISIBLE_REGION and FLAG_IS_RTL. These flags must be specified when necessary.
IllegalArgumentException If the index is a negative value, or not greater than all of the previously called indices.


Added in API level 21
CursorAnchorInfo build ()

CursorAnchorInfo CursorAnchorInfo using parameters in this CursorAnchorInfo.Builder.
IllegalArgumentException if one or more positional parameters are specified but the coordinate transformation matrix is not provided via setMatrix(Matrix).


Added in API level 21
void reset ()

Resets the internal state so that this instance can be reused to build another instance of CursorAnchorInfo.


Added in API level 21
CursorAnchorInfo.Builder setComposingText (int composingTextStart, 
                CharSequence composingText)

Sets the text range of the composing text. Calling this can be skipped if there is no composing text.

composingTextStart int: index where the composing text starts.
composingText CharSequence: the entire composing text.


Added in API level 21
CursorAnchorInfo.Builder setInsertionMarkerLocation (float horizontalPosition, 
                float lineTop, 
                float lineBaseline, 
                float lineBottom, 
                int flags)

Sets the location of the text insertion point (zero width cursor) as a rectangle in local coordinates. Calling this can be skipped when there is no text insertion point; however if there is an insertion point, editors must call this method.

horizontalPosition float: horizontal position of the insertion marker, in the local coordinates that will be transformed with the transformation matrix when rendered on the screen. This should be calculated or compatible with getPrimaryHorizontal(int).
lineTop float: vertical position of the insertion marker, in the local coordinates that will be transformed with the transformation matrix when rendered on the screen. This should be calculated or compatible with getLineTop(int).
lineBaseline float: vertical position of the insertion marker, in the local coordinates that will be transformed with the transformation matrix when rendered on the screen. This should be calculated or compatible with getLineBaseline(int).
lineBottom float: vertical position of the insertion marker, in the local coordinates that will be transformed with the transformation matrix when rendered on the screen. This should be calculated or compatible with getLineBottom(int).
flags int: flags of the insertion marker. See FLAG_HAS_VISIBLE_REGION for example.


Added in API level 21
CursorAnchorInfo.Builder setMatrix (Matrix matrix)

Sets the matrix that transforms local coordinates into screen coordinates.

matrix Matrix: transformation matrix from local coordinates into screen coordinates. null is interpreted as an identity matrix.


Added in API level 21
CursorAnchorInfo.Builder setSelectionRange (int newStart, 
                int newEnd)

Sets the text range of the selection. Calling this can be skipped if there is no selection.

newStart int
newEnd int
