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Added in API level 1


public class EllipticCurve
extends Object


This immutable class holds the necessary values needed to represent an elliptic curve.

See also:


Public constructors

EllipticCurve(ECField field, BigInteger a, BigInteger b)

Creates an elliptic curve with the specified elliptic field field and the coefficients a and b.

EllipticCurve(ECField field, BigInteger a, BigInteger b, byte[] seed)

Creates an elliptic curve with the specified elliptic field field, the coefficients a and b, and the seed used for curve generation.

Public methods

boolean equals(Object obj)

Compares this elliptic curve for equality with the specified object.

BigInteger getA()

Returns the first coefficient a of the elliptic curve.

BigInteger getB()

Returns the second coefficient b of the elliptic curve.

ECField getField()

Returns the finite field field that this elliptic curve is over.

byte[] getSeed()

Returns the seeding bytes seed used during curve generation.

int hashCode()

Returns a hash code value for this elliptic curve.

Inherited methods

From class java.lang.Object

Public constructors


Added in API level 1
EllipticCurve (ECField field, 
                BigInteger a, 
                BigInteger b)

Creates an elliptic curve with the specified elliptic field field and the coefficients a and b.

field ECField: the finite field that this elliptic curve is over.
a BigInteger: the first coefficient of this elliptic curve.
b BigInteger: the second coefficient of this elliptic curve.
NullPointerException if field, a, or b is null.
IllegalArgumentException if a or b is not null and not in field.


Added in API level 1
EllipticCurve (ECField field, 
                BigInteger a, 
                BigInteger b, 
                byte[] seed)

Creates an elliptic curve with the specified elliptic field field, the coefficients a and b, and the seed used for curve generation.

field ECField: the finite field that this elliptic curve is over.
a BigInteger: the first coefficient of this elliptic curve.
b BigInteger: the second coefficient of this elliptic curve.
seed byte: the bytes used during curve generation for later validation. Contents of this array are copied to protect against subsequent modification.
NullPointerException if field, a, or b is null.
IllegalArgumentException if a or b is not null and not in field.

Public methods


Added in API level 1
boolean equals (Object obj)

Compares this elliptic curve for equality with the specified object.

obj Object: the object to be compared.
boolean true if obj is an instance of EllipticCurve and the field, A, and B match, false otherwise.


Added in API level 1
BigInteger getA ()

Returns the first coefficient a of the elliptic curve.

BigInteger the first coefficient a.


Added in API level 1
BigInteger getB ()

Returns the second coefficient b of the elliptic curve.

BigInteger the second coefficient b.


Added in API level 1
ECField getField ()

Returns the finite field field that this elliptic curve is over.

ECField the field field that this curve is over.


Added in API level 1
byte[] getSeed ()

Returns the seeding bytes seed used during curve generation. May be null if not specified.

byte[] the seeding bytes seed. A new array is returned each time this method is called.


Added in API level 1
int hashCode ()

Returns a hash code value for this elliptic curve.

int a hash code value computed from the hash codes of the field, A, and B, as follows: (field.hashCode() << 6) + (a.hashCode() << 4) + (b.hashCode() << 2)
