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Added in API level 21


public class ArcMotion
extends PathMotion

   ↳ android.transition.PathMotion
     ↳ android.transition.ArcMotion

A PathMotion that generates a curved path along an arc on an imaginary circle containing the two points. If the horizontal distance between the points is less than the vertical distance, then the circle's center point will be horizontally aligned with the end point. If the vertical distance is less than the horizontal distance then the circle's center point will be vertically aligned with the end point.

When the two points are near horizontal or vertical, the curve of the motion will be small as the center of the circle will be far from both points. To force curvature of the path, setMinimumHorizontalAngle(float) and setMinimumVerticalAngle(float) may be used to set the minimum angle of the arc between two points.

This may be used in XML as an element inside a transition.

   <arcMotion android:minimumHorizontalAngle="15"


XML attributes

android:maximumAngle The maximum arc angle in degrees between the start and end points. 
android:minimumHorizontalAngle The minimum arc angle in degrees between the start and end points when they are close to horizontal. 
android:minimumVerticalAngle The minimum arc angle in degrees between the start and end points when they are close to vertical. 

Public constructors

ArcMotion(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

Public methods

float getMaximumAngle()

Returns the maximum arc along the circle between two points.

float getMinimumHorizontalAngle()

Returns the minimum arc along the circle between two points aligned near horizontally.

float getMinimumVerticalAngle()

Returns the minimum arc along the circle between two points aligned near vertically.

Path getPath(float startX, float startY, float endX, float endY)

Provide a Path to interpolate between two points (startX, startY) and (endX, endY).

void setMaximumAngle(float angleInDegrees)

Sets the maximum arc along the circle between two points.

void setMinimumHorizontalAngle(float angleInDegrees)

Sets the minimum arc along the circle between two points aligned near horizontally.

void setMinimumVerticalAngle(float angleInDegrees)

Sets the minimum arc along the circle between two points aligned near vertically.

Inherited methods

From class android.transition.PathMotion
From class java.lang.Object

XML attributes


The maximum arc angle in degrees between the start and end points.

Must be a floating point value, such as "1.2".

This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form "@[package:]type:name") or theme attribute (in the form "?[package:][type:]name") containing a value of this type.

This corresponds to the global attribute resource symbol maximumAngle.

Related methods:


The minimum arc angle in degrees between the start and end points when they are close to horizontal.

Must be a floating point value, such as "1.2".

This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form "@[package:]type:name") or theme attribute (in the form "?[package:][type:]name") containing a value of this type.

This corresponds to the global attribute resource symbol minimumHorizontalAngle.

Related methods:


The minimum arc angle in degrees between the start and end points when they are close to vertical.

Must be a floating point value, such as "1.2".

This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form "@[package:]type:name") or theme attribute (in the form "?[package:][type:]name") containing a value of this type.

This corresponds to the global attribute resource symbol minimumVerticalAngle.

Related methods:

Public constructors


Added in API level 21
ArcMotion ()


Added in API level 21
ArcMotion (Context context, 
                AttributeSet attrs)

context Context
attrs AttributeSet

Public methods


Added in API level 21
float getMaximumAngle ()

Returns the maximum arc along the circle between two points. When start and end points have close to equal x and y differences, the curve between them is large. This forces the curved path to have an arc of at most the given angle.

The default value is 70 degrees.

Related XML Attributes:

float The maximum angle of the arc on a circle describing the Path between the start and end points.


Added in API level 21
float getMinimumHorizontalAngle ()

Returns the minimum arc along the circle between two points aligned near horizontally. When start and end points are close to horizontal, the calculated center point of the circle will be far from both points, giving a near straight path between the points. By setting a minimum angle, this forces the center point to be closer and give an exaggerated curve to the path.

The default value is 0.

Related XML Attributes:

float The minimum arc along the circle between two points aligned near horizontally.


Added in API level 21
float getMinimumVerticalAngle ()

Returns the minimum arc along the circle between two points aligned near vertically. When start and end points are close to vertical, the calculated center point of the circle will be far from both points, giving a near straight path between the points. By setting a minimum angle, this forces the center point to be closer and give an exaggerated curve to the path.

The default value is 0.

Related XML Attributes:

float The minimum angle of the arc on a circle describing the Path between two nearly vertically-separated points.


Added in API level 21
Path getPath (float startX, 
                float startY, 
                float endX, 
                float endY)

Provide a Path to interpolate between two points (startX, startY) and (endX, endY). This allows controlled curved motion along two dimensions.

startX float: The x coordinate of the starting point.
startY float: The y coordinate of the starting point.
endX float: The x coordinate of the ending point.
endY float: The y coordinate of the ending point.
Path A Path along which the points should be interpolated. The returned Path must start at point (startX, startY), typically using moveTo(float, float) and end at (endX, endY).


Added in API level 21
void setMaximumAngle (float angleInDegrees)

Sets the maximum arc along the circle between two points. When start and end points have close to equal x and y differences, the curve between them is large. This forces the curved path to have an arc of at most the given angle.

The default value is 70 degrees.

Related XML Attributes:

angleInDegrees float: The maximum angle of the arc on a circle describing the Path between the start and end points.


Added in API level 21
void setMinimumHorizontalAngle (float angleInDegrees)

Sets the minimum arc along the circle between two points aligned near horizontally. When start and end points are close to horizontal, the calculated center point of the circle will be far from both points, giving a near straight path between the points. By setting a minimum angle, this forces the center point to be closer and give an exaggerated curve to the path.

The default value is 0.

Related XML Attributes:

angleInDegrees float: The minimum angle of the arc on a circle describing the Path between two nearly horizontally-separated points.


Added in API level 21
void setMinimumVerticalAngle (float angleInDegrees)

Sets the minimum arc along the circle between two points aligned near vertically. When start and end points are close to vertical, the calculated center point of the circle will be far from both points, giving a near straight path between the points. By setting a minimum angle, this forces the center point to be closer and give an exaggerated curve to the path.

The default value is 0.

Related XML Attributes:

angleInDegrees float: The minimum angle of the arc on a circle describing the Path between two nearly vertically-separated points.
